Monday, 16 May 2011

Social Marketing

In modern days conquering an audience is a hard job. People receive thousands and thousands of different stimuli every single day. Signs, lights and sounds compete against each other for our attention. They travel through different medias to reach us, and rather it is our computer, TV, radio, a simple newspapers or a billboard add, and even our own personal cell phones, they certainly get to us. 
Humans however have developed a natural “defense” system called selective attention. It filters the greatest majority of stimulus that get us. Selective attention is our blessing, as it preserve us from our daily chaotic cross-fire of information, and it is our curse also, for depriving us from so much valuable data that reach us, but goes unnoticed. The truth is, as hard as companies may try, very few adds have the capacity to actually reach out for our minds and catch our attention.
Social marketing however has some ways go through selection and gain the audience attention effectively. One common way is to create a shocking experience. NGOs and government often use shocking images that hardly goes by unnoticed. First comes the shock, that captures the attention, then comes absorption and reflection. And so, in a very clever and touching way, these advertisements are gradually reaching consumers minds and even changing their habits. But how to be sure an image is touching? What shocks me might not shock you. How to measure the effectiveness of “attention capturing”? A very difficult job, one can say, but it has been approached in ways I consider amazing!
This week I will explore social marketing exposing a series of “shocking”advertisements. Please help me, by voting in the one that touches you, moves you, or disgusts you the most!
I doubt YOUR selective attention will go unnoticed by these stimuli!

                                          ANIMAL PROTECTION
To make a fur coat, 120 puppies are necessary.

Don´t buy exotic animals

This is how 300.000 lab animals suffer each year


  1. Great text Jessica!! This campaigns are really shocking and get to their point as usually people don't want to face the reality...and coming from Brazil and living in Australia i can say that the government have great shocking campaigns related to alcohol, drugs and traffic accidents that, for the first time, makes me really think about it( not sure WA, but NSW has some great campaigns ) and one good example are the signs on the roads to minimize car accidents due to saying "Stop, revive, survive"...amazing how it works!!

  2. The human poverty and abuses are the most touching...hard even to look, but stays on your mind...

  3. A very interesting spread of ads and issues. I like how you question the mainstream, and get visitors to think instead of just accept what others think. That is a tough road to success but you definately have the attitude.
